
2024 Dean's MS Research Day

The second Annual Dean’s Research Day at the UC Riverside School of Medicine will be held on Friday, March 22, 2024 from 12 -5 pm in the UCR SOM Education II building.

Dean's Research Day is a community-wide event that allows us to celebrate our community's innovative scientific approaches by:

  • Providing students with opportunities to practice professionalism skills related to scientific conferences and presentations
  • Recognizes the work of our students and their mentors
  • Provides everyone in the community with opportunities to participate and contribute

2024 Program

Event Schedule

Rooms and Times

11 am-12:30 pm
  • SOM II Bldg. Room 104 & 106 - Pre-Conference Poster Session
1 pm-2:30 pm
  • SOM II Bldg. Room 104 & 106 - MS2 Presentations
  • SOM II Bldg. Room 105 - MS2 & HABLAMoS Presentations
2:45 pm-4:15 pm
  • SOM II Bldg. Room 104 & 106 - MS3 Poster Session
  • SOM II Bldg. Room 104 & 106 - Early Career Faculty, Residents, and Doctoral Students Poster Session
4 pm-5 pm
  • SOM II Bldg. Room 205 - Faculty Talks